Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kaleb is 6 weeks old!

I went to see Kaleb on Thursday 6-6-2011 and that night we had a HUGE storm that fried both of our computers so I couldn't get new pictures up until today or write about my visit!
So about my visit...
when I got there he was asleep of course and I worked at waking him up for a while then the nurse asked if I would like to give him a bath, well YES!!! So I got to give him a bath with a wash cloth and a bowl of soapy water! It was so cool, I have to admit I am crying right now as I am writing this, it is getting really hard to leave him there now as he gets bigger and more alert! By the way he
weighs 5 lb 3 oz !!!

I try not to dwell on the fact that his whole life(6 weeks) all he has known is tubes, tape on his face to hold the tubes, monitors, temperature every 3 hours, noise every where, he had surgery at 5 days old etc.... that he has never seen the sunshine, or felt the wind blow, he has never played with a rattle or been snuggled in his OWN blankie, he has never been held by his Daddy! I know all this will happen and probably (hopefully)very soon.
I look at Kiley and think how she never spent the night away from me until I went into the hosp to 'not' have Kaleb. But Kaleb hasn't got to spend a night with me yet and in his six weeks of life I have only held him about 6 times. We take for granted when our children are born that everthing will be okay, we jokingly count their fingers and toes when the are born,we get to hold them right away, we nurse them (or bottle feed) right away, now a days they stay right in the room with you after they are born they never have to leave your side, most of the time EVERYTHING works as it should. If this is what you experienced with your chidren(or not), please remember to hug them today and thank God for the perfect little child he gave you! I thank God more than once a day for the perfect little Kaleb I was given, it has been very hard some days not to just cry and say I can't do this, but I would never give him up, never change a thing, Why!? Because I know in Gods eyes Kaleb is fearfully and wonderfully made. (Ps.139:14)
Just a note... I thank God for Kimberly and Kiley more than once a day too, these two girls have been awesome through this whole thing, God has given me some really great kids!

Sorry I got off subject, my visit with Kaleb....
He still has some fluid around his heart but it seems to be going away slowly and he has been having some breathing issues, they think it's due to the fluid and they put him on something called vapotherm
(moisturized  oxygen) , basically he is off of the room air and now on vapotherm. So the doctor said they are going to continue to watch the fluid and as it goes down hopefully Kaleb's breathing will get better and they can ween him off the vapotherm. It is a little bad news because when he is on the vapotherm we cannot try the bottle.
I reminded myself today that we still have about 2 weeks 'til his due date, he shouldn't be here yet! so try to look at it that way!!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for Kaleb and our family, God bless you all.
For his Glory, Ginger

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