Friday, May 20, 2011

Another wonderful day

Today was an awesome day with Kaleb, the girls (Kimmy and Kiley) went with me down to Riley Hosp., they finally got to see him and touch him, I don't know who was more excited about that, them or me for them!! I got to hold him for about 45 min. while he got his "gravity feeding" of about 5/8 ounce of formula. It was soooo awesome to hold him without all the tubes and wires and stuff that used to be attached to him! He now just has the nasal cannula(on room air)and the feeding tube in(both in his nose) he does still have an IV port in and a couple wires for heart rate and stuff but that's all!And they had clothes on him finally! They were so huge on him but so adorable! He did not want his pacifier while I was holding him he just wanted to snuggle! He is still at his birth weight of 4lb 3oz but should start gaining soon since they keep increasing his formula intake amount. They also said probably another week and he should be ready to get out of the isolet and into a crib! He has been doing a great job with all the goals they have set for him.
He does have a small amount of fluid around his heart which isn't causing any problems right now so they are just monitoring it closely with echo-cardiograms everyday!
Tomorrow the girls and my Mother are going down with me to see him again, of course Grandma wants to see Kaleb again but mostly to Kiley-sit so Kimmy can have more time with Kaleb. At Kiley's age she can't be in there too long before she just gets bored and she is only allowed 30 min. anyway.
Forgot to take new pictures of him today so I will have to do that tomorrow, sorry there was so much excitement I had a ' blonde moment' and forgot to 'capture the moment'!
I try not to get my hopes up too much just in case there is a set back but how can you not when things seem so good, the Lord is doing a mighty work indeed!!

For His glory,

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