So here is what happened.... On Wednesday April 20, after getting home from church that evening, I put Kiley to bed about 9:30 pm, when I came downstairs and went to sit down I leaked a little. But I wasn't sure weather it was a bladder control issue or my water breaking, so I went on to bed myself not realizing then how overly tired I was feeling, the next morning I took Kimmy to school and then contacted my midwife to tell her I had been "leaking" all night long and wasn't sure what it was all about. She wanted to see me right away, so at her office she did an exam on me and said it was my water that had broken! And that I need to go to the Hospital right away. Well , I was given an hour to go home, get my husband, get Kiley to my mother's and pack a bag and get to the hosp.

So for the next few days it was alot of blood tests, monitoring, IV fluids, ultrasounds, laying in bed and boredom!
Until day 8, that would be April 27th when after calling the nurse in to unplug me from the monitor to use the restroom I found out that I was bleeding really bad.
Then things started moving even faster, Kaleb needed to come out now, by C-section. The doctor said call whoever you need and tell them to come now, I want to be in surgery in an hour.
So I made my calls and as soon as my husband got there we went to surgery.
Kaleb Samuel DeMoss was born on April 27th at 6:20pm, he weighed 4 lbs. 3 oz. and 16 in. long
And has a head full of dark blondish- light brown hair.
Kaleb was head down that morning when the ultra sound was done and in surgery the doctor said he must have flipped around because now he is breech! And the cord was around his neck and when he flipped it tore the placenta, which makes you bleed. Luckily the tear was small and I only lost a little more blood than normal, no need for any transfusions!!
Kaleb has some other things wrong with him besides the fact that he is premature and has AV canal defect, he is at Riley Hospital for Children in Indy and I am home.I will be going to visit him as much as I can. I will write more about his condition in another note. I will say in this note though that he is okay but has some struggles ahead of him and could use all your prayers.
In his name,